Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lok Jie Jun has joined the Main Committee!! Welcome On-board!!

Ms. Lok Jie Jun has agreed to join the Main Committee as the Head of Logistic with effect from 22.01.2008 TUE. Please kindly give her your full support & your full co-operation in the band!

She will be fully in-charge of all the band assets & property of the entire band. But presently, I will be helping her to familiarise with her job scope as a Head of Logistics so please kindly bear with her for the time being if she is not sure of anything.

In future, she will have all my support & authority to decide for the best in her logistics areas. She will have all rights to penalise any members or guest musicians for not following the house rules. So please kindly seek for your full co-operation with her.

I will like to welcome Ms. Lok Jie Jun in the Main Committee officially. From now, she will be a leader who help to lead & bring the band to a greatest height in the Committee. Please kindly welcome her on-board with me. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah Jiejun...
Your name so big!